Each of us is all the sums he has not counted: subtract us into nakedness and night again, and you shall see begin in Crete four thousand years ago the love that ended yesterday in Texas.
The seed of our destruction will blossom in the desert, the alexin of our cure grows by a mountain rock, and our lives are haunted by a Georgia slattern, because a London cutpurse went unhung. Each moment is the fruit of forty thousand years. The minute-winning days, like flies, buzz home to death, and every moment is a window on all time.
john northbrooke, c. 1570
I can't hate that building because it was a big part of my life when I was a bicycle messenger in Boston. The plaza provided a fun, traffic-free short-cut and the inside was really spooky; stairs to nowhere and vast expanses of wasted space.
There are way more worse buildings than that one. Anything by Ghery makes me puke.
as we have discussed, it is primarily the plaza that i detest----it was an extremely rude thing to do to one of the country's most historic cities.
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