10 March 2010

"the dominant agglomeration in the region"

Smart money never bets against the ability of a huge concentration of smart people to weather an economic storm. Don’t count Atlanta out.
would you believe that atlanner has a higher percentage of colledge-educated than boston!!???


Anonymous said...

mmmm... now about the rest of Georgia...

Anonymous said...

"Terminal Station is a blog about Atlanta real estate and politics. And occasionally my puppydog."

What is it with these bloggers that have to constantly mention their dog/s? It's like the ones that constantly mention their kids. Think about it. You've got Tommitron, A. Sullivan, and now this Terminal Station person.

At least most blogger don't constatly mention their chairs or typewriters...now that would be totally lame.

tomitron said...


Anonymous said...

Hi im new to this board i hope i will be able to help out & contribute here because i have learned a great deal myself.


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