22 September 2017

shawnee lookout

my ohio excursion was built around the prehistoric earthworks left by the hopewell and fort ancient people, some of it 2,000 years old --- i used ancientohiotrail.org but got to only half of their sites, which are strewn across the south side of ohio --- first stop was shawnee lookout, just west of cincinnati, overlooking the confluence of the great miami and ohio rivers --- part of a 2000 acre archaelogical district with three dozen or so individual sites documenting human occupation for thousands of years --- the centerpiece is the so-called miami "fort," a hilltop enclosure that was not really a fort --- the earthen wall and other features would probably be easier to discern in the winter, as would the view of the great miami river valley, but the natural landscape alone made it worth the hike ---


1 comment:

Rathayatra said...

thanks . quiettitude.