23 June 2015


in the space of a few days, there's been a cascade of news about the confederate battle flag after the massacre in charleston --- it is as if the country has just suddenly discovered that it was a mean and racist symbol that was resurrected in the 1950s as a symbol of white resistance to desegregation --- not much of substance has actually happened yet, so i'll believe it when i see it, or rather don't see a confederate battle flag flying over state capitols and what not, except that walmart and amazon have led the way in banning the sale of the confederate flag crapola --- we'll still have to look at it when we go to the country, but at least the damn thing not flying over public buildings would be a step forward ---

a second major eyesore in my life is already gone: the billboard on peachtree between seventh and eighth has disappeared --- no more giant hiv ads, which is i guess another sign of the times

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