20 October 2009

gentrification watch

why is that some people seem to think a city ought to look like a suburban shopping mall, but open-air with bigger buildings? this time it's these stupid kiosks going up all over downtown --- twenty of them when they're done --- now you might think they were installing a real convenience like a restroom maybe, but, no, it's part of an ongoing effort to corral the street vendors --- i'm sure with the rents for these things, they'll kill two birds with one stone, and upscale the real street vendors down around five points right out of business --- and all because, "many downtown residents and business leaders have complained some vendors are pushy and sell counterfeit goods and their stands are eyesores" --- just like the tactics in midtown to get rid of unwanted this, that, and the other: "many" complaining about "some" gets results

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