13 February 2023


the trip to peachtree corners to see the ophthamologist last monday was torture in every way, and i shan't want to go back out there again as long as i live if i can help it --- but at least the nice ophthamologist lady assured me that my retina or whatever is not falling out -- but we will keep that eye under observation, as it were --- 

the next evening, i was out walking dog, and as we started to cross piedmont at seventh, he started charging across the intersection, as is his want, and i stumbled and fell over --- dog stopped when i dropped the leash and just sat there, which he always does, but it took me two tries to get up off the pavement, and with oncoming traffic i was afraid i was about to watch the dog get run over --- that did not happen but i tore up my arm and, because of the way i fell, i should've broken my hip, but didn't --- weirdly the sciatica has been somewhat less troublesome since then

today dog and i walked down to chuck allen dr and the park for the first time since the sciatica kicked in --- nice weather, nice walk, and i did not have to crawl the last hundred yards back

quince, plum, and jonquil are rocking right now

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