15 February 2011

the possum tree

a friend of mine sent me this image of a postcard for sale on ebay ($24) --- a quick google search turned up the 1909 annual report of the smithsonian in which the pink cherry market company in atlanta was credited with having presented the museum with nine "common opossum" for their zoo --- the market is also mentioned in sketches of atlanta, georgia: gate city of the south, a publication of which I was unaware ---- i'm purty sure the market owner's name was pink cherry.

anyway one of my ma's uncles named his son pink cherry (1907-1987), apparently after the market and/or its owner --- they farmed part of the old hart farm that was where the fifth runway at hartsfield is now, growing produce (carrots, etc.) for the atlanta market --- and used to get the family up at 2 in the morning for early delivery to produce row which was where the old world of coca-cola was located ---

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