05 January 2010


some critters really don't like the cold, like the iguanas in florida falling out of the trees


CMcCue said...

Poor little guy! I remember the little anoles in FLA slowing to the point of suspended animation in the cold. They'd thaw out eventually, and start moving, slowly. Kind of like I did this morning.

Anonymous said...

look buddy, raining cats and dogs I can handle...

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonymous said...

It's only "too" cold if you're not movin' and groovin'...

I'm a slug these days, but in the past this time of year was pond hockey, sledding, mountain biking over the packed snow...etc. We were never really cold.

What's with all the folks covering their mouths with a cloth around here? That's F'd up.