28 March 2007

the woman in 1302

she's the only person on the hall, i think, to whom i have not spoken a single time----i have only seen her a couple of times, and she seemed kinda mad about things----she's been trying to sell her place----the last week or so every day when i come home from work i have heard this poor puppy crying and yelping and all like lonely puppies do----i thought about leaving a note, but . . . .today when i come home there are four little sticky notes on her door---the largest and probably the first read something like "i don't know if you know it but your poor little dog cries all day long," with the "all" triple underlined. Another said, "i can hear it too," and the last two said, "me too" and "ditto." i don't know what people are thinking to expect a puppy, probably only three or four months old, to happily spend the entire day by himself---

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