18 April 2020
14 April 2020
olden times
best place name so far today is nether shitlington, a few miles south of leeds --- it was recorded as "schelingtone" in the domesday book, so who knows --- unfortunately, they dropped the "h" to make it "sitlington" in 1921 --- a great loss --- also unfortunately, it's a few miles from barwick-in-elmet and so not my ancestral homeland
Posted by
4/14/2020 09:52:00 PM
12 April 2020
easing over to the dark side
Posted by
4/12/2020 08:48:00 AM
06 April 2020
plague hysteria
someone felt compelled to blast out a condo-wide warning about the dangers of our all being out on our balconies at the same time, since the wind could come and blow germs up all over everybody ---
we went ahead and had an excellent saturday night dance party on our balconies anyway
and then you have to put up with these goddamn preachers and cultists --- "i'm covered in the blood of jesus" and it won't get me --- gah
so much of this situation reminds me of the hysteria surrounding AIDS in the 80s when nobody quite knew what was going on --- nevermind the preachers and what not, we're gonna look back on a lot of this in the same way, i think
Posted by
4/06/2020 09:07:00 PM
04 April 2020
especially when they smell like coconut
or absolutely never quit blooming
Posted by
4/04/2020 10:27:00 PM
03 April 2020
borrowed time
thousands dead across the country and tens of thousands around the world, half the damn planet being told to stay home, unemployment records falling day after day, with over 700,000 added in march alone --- hospitals are running out of supplies, while the feds leave the states to their own devices, including bidding against each other for supplies --- i asked alexis if they had enough personal protective equipment at the hospital and she replied:
Unfortunately no. Everything is being rationed. We get issued an N95 and have to wear it until basically worn out. They are meant for a few hours of protection. Not a weeks worth of work. It is absolutely absurd. And we are out of plastic gowns. They brought us 30 gowns the other day with Virex spray to spray on them so they can be disinfected for the next person to re-wear. This is just unheard of. And the peak of this mess hasn't even hit yet. I was talking with one of our infectious disease docs and she said the peak will hit around April 24th then we should (and hopefully) start to see a decline in new cases. God, I can only pray. . . . It's like healthcare in a third world country.and expectations are that it's only going to get worse --- as many as 200,000 dead in the US by some estimates ---
angela sent me some masks which i guess i will start wearing to the grocery store at least --- i really don't want to catch this thing until we're a little further along in treatment, etc
and the republicans, under the guise of national emergency, are unilaterally abrogating environmental laws and disregarding congressional oversight of how the $2 trillion appropriated for the emergency is spent, and generally amping up their support for the oligarchy's looting of the country
meanwhile the putative president continues to poison the body politic with petty insults, threats, and raw partisan politics and generally acting as president of the red states, and to hell with the blue, which includes the country's largest cities --- he is a despicable human being and far and away the absolute worst president this country has had
so happy birthday to me --- 71 and officially living on borrowed time
Posted by
4/03/2020 11:47:00 AM