31 March 2018

28 March 2018

violets, dog, and the river

excellent weather for a change --- upper 70s feels good

dog won't go when he gets tired

sights and smells

the maxillaria only had one or two blossoms last year --- this year, there's half a dozen or so, which is still not as many as in some years past --- but the bedroom smells like a coconut cake anyway
a great plant even when it's not blooming
cousin mae gave me this unit at xmas 2016 --- first rebloom --- the blossoms aren't as large maybe, but i'm not complaining ---

27 March 2018

reinforcements for the oncidium alliance

i don't have room for the endless variety that i would like to have, but i kill enough that there is sometimes an empty spot, which i couldn't resist filling with this unit --- the blossoms are 4" across

26 March 2018

spring color

a wonderful first flush of spring going on ---

pokémon fools don't care about no flowers

24 March 2018

march for our lives, atlanta

hundreds of thousands in marches across the country, including one here in atlanta with probably 30,000 participating --- i only wish that i really believed it would do any good --- hope anyway

i held my sign up as we walked up peachtree st going home and got a lot of waves and honks and what not

23 March 2018

the country's chief hypocrite does atlanner

and there were pairs of apparently unarmed and un-uniformed "security" at every single parking lot entrance along juniper street --- another herd of police that followed a couple of minutes later ---

22 March 2018


a great little tour of rock in midtown, led by bill witherspoon, author of the excellent road-side geology of georgia --- and we each got a little bag of very cool rocks!

21 March 2018

the little things

a minor miracle: in about two hours this morning, i went down to the dmv on whitehall street to get my driver's license renewed (old people have to go in and take an eye test) and got an emissions inspection, oil change, and car wash --- oh, and i reset the car clock to the stupid daylight savings time --- god only knows when the kitchen clock will reset itself, which it will do, eventually

but it's cloudy, in the 30s, and windy as hell (the tail end of the fourth nor'easter to hit the northeast in the three weeks) --- wish it was like this picture from a few days ago

17 March 2018

late, late winter

bonsai society show at atl bot gdn, which was purdy good --- orchid sale was a dud --- but i got all the plants back out on the balcony