27 February 2014
23 February 2014
22 February 2014
trees midtown
the block is going to be re-developed and there are already tree-cutting plans, including the virginia pines, which aren't that old, but create one of the few street corners where it smells like a piney wood ---
Posted by tomitron at 2/22/2014 05:35:00 PM 0 comments
21 February 2014
from the bowels of the courthouse
Posted by tomitron at 2/21/2014 09:14:00 PM 1 comments
20 February 2014
is it spring yet?
Posted by tomitron at 2/20/2014 11:38:00 PM 0 comments
19 February 2014
things that get me excited
* the walker house (c.1869) was adapted for the first clubhouse for the Piedmont Driving Club, but continuous additions and alterations have left little of the original house intact. There are also older historic structures in Midtown, including the belt line (c. 1870) and several streets that date to the 1860s.
Posted by tomitron at 2/19/2014 08:25:00 PM 3 comments
16 February 2014
the tear-downs continue, this one on eighth street --- sad
i think there is a record number of bush angels on that poor hedge on ninth --- four, maybe five since one could have involved two fall-overs --- lotta drunk young people coming out of taco mac
and the alley view has stabilized
Posted by tomitron at 2/16/2014 07:16:00 PM 2 comments
14 February 2014
yay, virginia!
the federal district judge declared virginia's same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional --- he referenced scalia's dissent in the doma decision, too, which must drive the old bastard crazy ---- he also had some good language of his own:
Our [declaration of independence] declares that 'all men' are created equal. Surely this means all of us," wrote Wright Allen, an Eastern District of Virginia judge in Norfolk. "While ever vigilant for the wisdom that can come from the voices of our voting public, our courts have never long tolerated the perpetuation of laws rooted in unlawful prejudice. One of the judiciary's noblest endeavors is to scrutinize law that emerge from such roots."
Posted by tomitron at 2/14/2014 06:02:00 PM 0 comments
it had the most wonderful aroma
i am sad
Posted by tomitron at 2/14/2014 05:11:00 PM 0 comments
13 February 2014
clusterflake 2014, the end
Posted by tomitron at 2/13/2014 07:56:00 PM 1 comments
ruined history
in 2001, the atlanta chapter of the DAR sold craigie house to inman park properties, a real-estate development company that had successfully renovated several historic buildings in atlanta --- but went into foreclosure in 2008 ---- in 2013, it had new owners who started rehabilitation and conversion of the building into a private residence---
last night, all but the front quarter of the building collapsed under the weight of ice and snow --- the owners have vowed to rebuild
Posted by tomitron at 2/13/2014 07:49:00 PM 1 comments
12 February 2014
ice event
they ran a plow up peachtree this afternoon, so one lane is good, but there is really almost no traffic ---
dog likes the sleet --- it doesn't get clogged up in his feet the way the snow did a couple of weeks ago
Posted by tomitron at 2/12/2014 05:18:00 PM 1 comments
winter storm pax!
i'm still not sure why they named it "pax" ----
Posted by tomitron at 2/12/2014 10:22:00 AM 1 comments
11 February 2014
big weather again
this winter is just not gonna end
Posted by tomitron at 2/11/2014 10:56:00 PM 0 comments
09 February 2014
late winter garden
Posted by tomitron at 2/09/2014 06:11:00 PM 1 comments