30 April 2008
from a gen y human, as quoted on andrewsullivan:
I'll just put that out there. If Obama is done in by this whole Wright thing I am done with politics. I can't invest myself in something that is so sure to disappoint me time and time and time again. If the Democratic party decides that it can not risk nominating a great and decent African American man because his pastor is a scary African American man, it does not deserve power because it will have caved to what is worst about America. Racists on both sides of the divide will rejoice at having taking down the biggest threat to their belief system since Martin Luther King....and young people like myself will burrow deeper into to the holes we were in before Barack Obama dug us out.
Posted by
4/30/2008 06:49:00 PM
29 April 2008
obama on "rev." wright
i don't know what else he can do----wright is clearly a total idiot
Posted by
4/29/2008 05:37:00 PM
28 April 2008
viewpoint appears to be finished, and i've even seen a few lights on at night, but no other signs of life---the store fronts are all dressed up with no place to go---
the palomar hotel, which dog is completely ignoring, is about halfway to the top---
Posted by
4/28/2008 06:57:00 PM
mimus polyglottos
mockingbirds are the best and have great names in english and in latin----there was always one on sinclair avenue who would wake me up some spring mornings, since they like to sing at 4 in the morning--- when i moved, it was good to hear one over here my first spring---since then i've seen and heard him a lot---he and/or she even stopped on my balcony railing for a brief moment one day---now the bird is apparently nesting in the trees and shrubs at the back of the old bank lot----it was dive bombing guinness, and as i was watching him raising hell on top of the wall at the back of the property, this woman stopped and asked if it was the bird "that liked to touch people"---i said it might have a nest, just as a second guy stopped to say the bird had pecked him on the head---when i told robert he said it had rushed at him the other day, too---they are fierce defenders of their nests, as all the poor people schlepping back and forth to the marta station must be finding out---
Posted by
4/28/2008 05:33:00 PM
27 April 2008
evolving landmarks
peachtree place was laid out in 1895 with a one block landscaped median (north avenue had a similar feature at one time as well)---the margaret mitchell house was built in 1899 in what was then the middle of the block and was the first building on the
block---in 1902, willis denny, architect of rhodes hall, among others, designed a great classical revival house that was built on the south end of the block---the margaret mitchell house is visible in the background, the only historic image of the house on its original location that has been found---
commercial development of the Peachtree Street frontage began in 1904 while houses were built on both sides of the Crescent Apartments in 1905----another apartment building and more stores were constructed on the peachtree side of the block in 1906, and in 1913, the margaret mitchell house was moved to the rear of its lot and reoriented with a crescent avenue address so that the peachtree street frontage could be developed commercially----in 1919 the house was converted into the ten-unit crescent apartments----five years later, the classical revival house at the south end of the block was knocked down for construction of a new a & p grocery store----by then the block was almost completely built up, with residences on crescent avenue and a theater and retail stores on peachtree and peachtree place---in 1954, the theater at the corner of Peachtree and Tenth and the two houses just north of the Crescent Apartments were demolished in order to widen Tenth Street to eliminate one of the dog-legs that impeded automobile traffic and low-rise office building replaced the two houses on crescent just south of the margaret mitchell house---in the mid-1980s, everything but the mitchell house and the 1924 commercial row that is now proposed for landmark status were demolished, which created a scene that mitchell herself would not recognize----
Posted by
4/27/2008 12:44:00 PM
crescent avenue
Before the Federal Reserve Bank was constructed in 2001, Crescent Avenue, the street that bisects the Atlanta History Center’s property, actually formed a crescent and it was apparent how it had once been a portion of an earlier alignment of Peachtree Street when it was still a country wagon road. Older than the city itself, the road followed the topography and originally looped around a deep ravine where the bank now sits. In the wake of the Civil War, a shanty town evolved around the gulch, gaining notoriety 1867, when John Plaster and Jerome Cheshire, sons of two of the old pioneers in the area, were assaulted. Plaster’s death and Cheshire’s serious injury
provoked a large public outcry, and there were vigilante efforts to clean up the area. It was noted that it could be "a mighty tight squeeze getting through there with your life," giving rise to the area’s nickname, Tight Squeeze. By 1872, there was a church at the intersection of Peachtree Road and Plaster Bridge Road (near present Eighth Street) along with a wagon yard, a blacksmith shop, several small wooden stores, and “the Tight Squeezers up and down the gulch.”
As the city grew in the 1880s, suburban development began to occur, especially after the city’s exposition grounds were opened at Piedmont Park in 1887. As part of the preparations for the first exposition, the gulch at Tight Squeeze was filled and Peachtree Road realigned between Eighth and Twelfth Streets. By 1900, the old portion of the road had become Crescent Avenue.
now ain't that inneresting?
Posted by
4/27/2008 12:22:00 PM
the viewshed
Excellent news for the view: the Atlanta History Center, which now owns and operates the Margaret Mitchell House, has apparently finalized their plans for the property. They are reported to have sold the parking lot and c. 1960 bank building, where the Tara entranceway is on display, for $7 million, which will form an endowment for the Margaret Mitchell House. A condo or office building will go up on the site but is supposed to be limited to 12 stories. In addition, they are transferring, presumably for a good bit of money, development rights for the 1920s commercial row where the visitor center is now located. It will be designated a city landmark, giving it the same protection as the Margaret Mitchell House itself. On the south side of Peachtree Place, the Palmer Apartments (1907) and Phelan Court Apartments (1915), some of the city's earliest apartment buildings, are also protected as city landmarks. The landscaped median in the first block of Peachtree Place is historic, too, completing an excellent little historic district that I walk through almost every day. Hearings on the rezoning that will make all that happen are scheduled for May.
Posted by
4/27/2008 12:04:00 PM
25 April 2008
24 April 2008
23 April 2008
ATLANTA - Cars passing O'Terrill's pub screech to a halt at the sight of a 300-pound, waist-high robot marked "SECURITY" rolling through downtown long after dark.The regulars hardly glance outside. They've seen bar owner Rufus Terrill's invention on patrol before — its bright red lights and even brighter spot light blazing, infrared video camera filming and water cannon at the ready in the spinning turret on top.
Posted by
4/23/2008 08:00:00 PM
22 April 2008
fox "news"
we no longer have a functioning free press, which you have to have in order to have a functioning democracy---foxs "news" is, and for most of its existence always has been, nothing but the mouthpiece for corporate/republican america---and for untold millions this is their only source of news---they are sharpening their knives for obama---watch this if you don't believe me:
Posted by
4/22/2008 05:21:00 PM
21 April 2008
the plutocracy
If Barack Obama or anyone else really cares to know what I think, I will simplify it all down to this. The landmark political fact of our time is the replacement of our middle-class republic by a plutocracy. If some candidate has a scheme to reverse this trend, they've got my vote, whether they prefer Courvoisier or beer bongs spiked with cough syrup. I don't care whether they enjoy my books, or would rather have every scrap of paper bearing my writing loaded into a C-47 and dumped into Lake Michigan. If it will help restore the land of relative equality I was born in, I'll fly the plane myself.he got it right before and he got it right today----his book what's the matter with kansas was excellent, i thought---it's just so messed up how people let themselves be manipulated over flag pins and queers or whatever-----
Thomas Frank,WSJ, today
Posted by
4/21/2008 05:42:00 PM
20 April 2008
new politics
sharpton and robertson together for wecansolveit.org, a project of Al Gore's Alliance for Climate Protection----kinda leaves one speechless----
Posted by
4/20/2008 09:56:00 PM
building and flowering
they're getting close with 1010----the lowe's hotel is just getting out of the ground---stuff is growing and blooming----
Posted by
4/20/2008 05:20:00 PM
19 April 2008
one more from the sixties
procol harum, 1967---back when, a lot of the rocknrollers didn't know what to do with their music---the beginning of art rock
Posted by
4/19/2008 11:10:00 AM
18 April 2008
leon russell redux
1964: pre-beard and top hat
Posted by
4/18/2008 10:38:00 PM
mad dogs and englishmen
joe cocker and leon russell---cry me a river, 1970---
Posted by
4/18/2008 10:09:00 PM
let's eat
Global food prices have risen because food grains are in short supply. Another strong reason given for this is the shift to biofuel, which are promoted as a green alternative to conventional fuels, like petrol and diesel.
and there are food riots all over the world----as close as mexico---
meanwhile, in haiti, they are eating "cookies" made of dirt, salt, and vegetable oil----
all of that is seriously fukd up---
Posted by
4/18/2008 08:31:00 PM
ikea trains
ikea is decking out trains in kobe---
see, if martha would redecorate, maybe everybody would quit complaining---
Posted by
4/18/2008 08:18:00 PM
now exactly what sort of quest would he have been on in the bushes in central park at 3 oclock in the morning?
Richard Quest, the host of CNN's "Business Traveler" and "Quest" and an international correspondent for the network, is being arraigned today on a misdemeanor drug possession charge after an overnight arrest in New York's Central Park:
Posted by
4/18/2008 07:49:00 PM
17 April 2008
holy crap! nephew-in-law daniel, whose chief political influence has been rush limbaugh, is now all for obama---or so he told me, although alexis was asking, "since when?" but he seemed to be serious---now i want to know why, which i didn't get to hear because we got sidetracked into a wierd rant from jeff about how none of it mattered and that all we needed was for people to work together "at the community level," or something---roads, national defense? oh, we'll have to work on that----jeez----
Posted by
4/17/2008 06:15:00 PM
15 April 2008
cell phones
"can the cell phone help end global poverty?" before you laugh, read this piece---reminders of the huge amount of stuff that we totally take for granted----
Those are just names, probably fake names, coupled with real cellphone numbers — lending to Chipchase’s theory that in an increasingly transitory world, the cellphone is becoming the one fixed piece of our identity.... Jan Chipchase and his user-research colleagues at Nokia can rattle off example upon example of the cellphone’s ability to increase people’s productivity and well-being, mostly because of the simple fact that they can be reached.... Over several years, his research team has spoken to rickshaw drivers, prostitutes, shopkeepers, day laborers and farmers, and all of them say more or less the same thing: their income gets a big boost when they have access to a cellphone.
Posted by
4/15/2008 05:00:00 PM
fighting like cats and dogs
i think dexter and guinness are gonna do just fine together----
Posted by
4/15/2008 10:56:00 AM
13 April 2008
12 April 2008
dog redux
i worried too soon about the dex/guinness dynamic---it's all chasing each other and having a good time already----early this afternoon it was like something snapped and suddenly dexter doesn't think the dog is such a problem after all---they have been running around, playing little dog and cat games---now if we can just keep the pee outside, we'll be all set----
Posted by
4/12/2008 09:09:00 PM
11 April 2008
so he's here--------and the name's guinness, thanks to robert------i had been thinking about henry but then decided tyrone would be better----then somebody said something about his being black and tan and robert piped up "guinness," so guinness it is---
a great little dog---kinda skinny, but he'll fatten up---
hasn't gone as smoothly with the dex as i had hoped---guinness hasn't gotten whacked yet, which needs to happen in order to establish proper boundaries, but he has figured out that the cat absolutely does not want to play with him----i'm taking a long weekend and maybe some more next week, hoping the transition will go quickly, he won't whine when i leave, and dexter won't be all freaked out----
Posted by
4/11/2008 10:04:00 PM
09 April 2008
animal minds
the march issue of natl geographic had a wonderful cover story "inside animal minds"---all sorts of animals and how researchers are documenting what all us animal lovers already knew: many of them (all of them?) most certainly have minds and consciousness---including that cow that is now a hamburger----
Posted by
4/09/2008 06:12:00 PM
oh. my. god.
you have never seen anything to compare with this----it gave me chills---chills of awe---
Posted by
4/09/2008 06:06:00 PM
08 April 2008
red state update
funny stuff here---unless maybe you are a hillary (an hillary?) fan----they have a web site----
Posted by
4/08/2008 07:52:00 PM
this is fascinating---a type of dementia that destroys part of the function of the frontal lobe while opening up vast new worlds of creativity----trouble is it kills you in the end----
Some paintings are meant to be appreciated in silence – but not this one. It is called Unravelling Boléro, by Canadian artist Anne Adams, and is a bar-by-bar representation of the popular classical piece Boléro by Maurice Ravel.
The painting also provides a scientific window into the creative mind.
Posted by
4/08/2008 05:53:00 PM
07 April 2008
this was the first color photograph, taken by James Clerk Maxwell, a Scotsman, in 1861!
Considered the first colour photograph. Maxwell had the photographer Thomas Sutton photograph a tartan ribbon three times, each time with a different colour filter over the lens. The three images were developed and then projected onto a screen with three different projectors, each equipped with the same colour filter used to take its image. When brought into focus, the three images formed a full colour image.
Posted by
4/07/2008 05:50:00 PM
05 April 2008
jardin de metropolis
i thought that we had lost a lot of our trees, hit hard by last year's easter freeze and then the drought and water restrictions in the fall---but they are all alive, some just slow to emerge---all this dampness has been great----
Posted by
4/05/2008 08:00:00 PM
landmarks, continued
nearly all of the old bungalows and four-squares west of peachtree are gone----the house on w ptree at 12th (which was some trashy club the last time i went in it, sometime in the last century), along with the row of 1920s commercial buildings just to the north, will be gone as soon as the economy improves----likewise, some of the old trees are still there, for now---the red oak on 12th shaded a fine little bungalow, until a couple of years ago it burned---the tree now shelters the sales office for 1010, rising over it to the east----
Posted by
4/05/2008 04:50:00 PM
04 April 2008
02 April 2008
a fitting tribute
Looking to honor the forty-third President of the United States of America, George W. Bush, the recently formed Presidential Memorial Commission of San Francisco is looking to change the name of the Oceanside Wastewater Treatment Facility. It seems the group would like to rename the SF Zoo adjacent facility to the "George W Bush Sewage Plant."
i especially like the plungers----
Posted by
4/02/2008 09:01:00 PM
poor zimbabwe
from today's nytimes----i can't even imagine what their lives must be like----georgia sux sometimes, but nothing like zimbabwe under mugabe----from the continent's richest country and its bread basket to a total wreck in only two decades----
Posted by
4/02/2008 08:46:00 PM