20 May 2017

too much going on

it is really quite amazing how quickly and completely the wheels are coming off the trump train --- every single day, i wake up wondering what in the fk it will be today --- special prosecutor already --- and all this with republicans in complete control of government --- the silver lining is that their chances of destroying obamacare and showering the rich with massive tax cuts diminish every day

the atlanta rose show was last weekend --- this did not win a ribbon, but it should have --- entitled simply "st patrick's day"

now jasmine are giving way to gardenia, keeping the air wonderfully thick with the stench of spring

and i think that the editrix and i are basically done with six of ten chapters in the coochee project --- .... creeps in this petty pace from day to day to the last syllable of recorded time

but it'll be great when it's done

and still cranes, cranes, cranes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May the train derail soon---WOOO WOoooooo.............