27 January 2014

x-ray past

long ago, when i was a mere infant, it was discovered that my thymus gland was enlarged, which was perceived as a significant problem for a variety of reasons --- it being the early 1950s, radiation was used, and it was only years later that they realized that irradiating the thymus wasn't a good idea --- several years ago, my doctor found a "mass" somewhere all down in there and i had mri scans over the course of a couple of years to determine that said "mass" was quite small and was not growing ---

new doctor thought it would be a good idea to look again, and if the mass looked the same, we would fuggitaboutit --- mri scan occurred last tuesday --- part of the results you see here --- doctor calls me yesterday talking not about a mass but about a fukn tumor and wanting to schedule a visit with a thoracic surgeon --- well that certainly harshed my sunday-morning buzz --- he went on to say, however, that he was a little confused about what the radiologist was reporting, and i suggested he might make sure that he and the radiologist were saying the same thing --- which of course he was going to do anyway --- today, the diagnosis is "transcription error" and we're back to a stable "mass" --- buzz unharshed

we should be reminded that, by and large, it is better to save disturbing news for monday morning anyway


Anonymous said...

the buzz should remain un-hampered.glad the guys got their facts straight.

Anonymous said...

fuk that noise, glad you're ok.