20 September 2015

digging up roots

for what it's worth, I just got results back from ancestry.com DNA analysis of my spittle  -- it sorta picks up where the genographic project's analysis of jcniris' spittle left off --- that one showed our ancestors out of east africa  and into the middle east, from which iris' ancestors went through the caucasus and steppes of eastern europe and jc's through the balkans and probably spain --- everybody was having family reunions in northwest europe ten or twenty thousand years ago --- i expected this new analysis to show ancestry that was mostly great britain (over half) and Ireland (nearly a quarter and it was --- the most interesting thing was the tag there that could indicate an ancestor in southwest mali --- they say it could be an anomaly (and I could be totally mis-interpreting what it's saying) but slaves and what not were traded out of west africa for thousands of years --- plus everyone alive today typically has nearly 33,000 ancestors who were born around 1500, which illustrates the futility of genealogical research and how many opportunities for one of those to have been west african ---- If you ever get to be a real pervert for genealogy, dna analysis is the way to go.


Unknown said...

Yeah. You're mostly Scots Irish.

I'd be afraid to see my chart. Irish/Polish/Russian with a dab of English. Evidently, there are many folks in Ireland that "look exactly like me," according to a US traveler friend.

Is DNA destiny? Or is it where and to whom you are born? Or is it willpower to change your life? Look at Grace Jones, por exemplo:http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0331xtg

tomitron said...

the analysis in and of itself does not define me as "scotch irish," in the usual sense of the term