05 April 2023

a history of sautee nacoochee

in early 2014, with me just a few months into  retirement, this project landed in my lap, courtesy of an old friend with whom i had worked in the 1990s — in july of that year, the local communnity association contracted with me for a comprehensive history of the valleys, part of a master plan in support of their mission to preserve the rural character of the area — it was the kind of local history i have always wanted to write: literally from the ground up — i started to work almost immediately and, because of "staff changes" and what not, wound up with a more or less free reign with the project — i submitted a "final" manuscript early in 2017, and thought I was done — but last year, they were back, getting serious about publication — they had hired someone to manage the process (thank the sweet baby jesus) — yesterday i learned that the reviewers for UGA press had recommended that that be made so — gah — count me semi-stunned

update!!! letter from the press's acquisitions editor and copies of the reviewer's comments, which were great! one said it was "the best submission I have read for UGA Press" --- it will go before the press's faculty editorial board in may for formal acceptance!

1 comment:

Rathayatra said...

looking forward to seeing this publication.