20 August 2018

five stars

urban histories are a favorite, and this one is really really good --- the chronology begins with abraham's building of the kaaba, with ishmael's assistance, ca 18121637 BCE --- the author does an amazing job weaving together the physical environment, religion and tradition, global politics, town planning, and architecture

unfortunately it appears that the saudis have destroyed virtually all of the historic city --- much as with the chinese communists who have destroyed nearly all of old beijing, the saudis' total disregard for cultural heritage is really shocking, but part and parcel of their view of islam  --- fundamentalists suck 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fundamentalists don't like physical history because it contradicts their view. Not that the Enlightenment crowd is doing a good job (injustice, global warming, severe economic inequity). Glad you can eggscape into a good book.

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