23 July 2015

one or two eyes?

i might have been a bit premature in replacing my one-eyed jack facebook pic with this happy jack, but whatever --- after being satisfied that vision in the bum eye was at least stable and not changing every ten minutes, as it had been, i slept soundly, only to wake up thinking it had gone completely out, even after i got the eyelid unstuck from all the drops and what not all up in there --- lay there for an hour in the dark, seeing only red lights where there were a few bright white lights outside --- i think all the crap must congregate in the center of my field of vision when i'm lying down --- had the scheduled doctor's followup just now and he says it's fine and will continue to improve, come back in a week --- so in spite of the still-crappy vision, i'll take that as a positive sign --- robert has been great hauling me around and generally commiserating with this mess

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pain in the eye. thank goodness for robert.