24 April 2014

go, tea-baggers -----

it is positively amazing what people will say out loud, but two people plumbed the depths of dumb in today's news ----

first up, the tea-bagger challenger to the georgia house speaker's re-election with the ultimate indictment of his opponent:

It is my understanding that he has a MARTA card, and thinks that what's good for Atlanta is good for Georgia"
seriously? a MARTA card? and, in nevada, the idiot with the dead-beat cows doesn't even have to complete a sentence:
I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro, . . . .
for inexplicable reasons, some conservative shingdig dis-invited him, which is a real shame, since he is a true spokesman for today's republican party

laura god, it's gonna be a long fun year

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