26 August 2010

plasticated floors

i slathered my cement floor with a polymer coating today, which is not a new treatment, but is one that has not been renewed in five years --- it would look better if i stripped it back and started over, but so far there have been other things that i had rather do than that --- anyway now the dog hair will more readily blow to the corners, making it easier to collect --- another coat or two and it'll be fun watching the guys sliding across it when they're chasing each other --- i'll try to do it more regularly from now on ---


Anonymous said...


loveC said...

oh good - now come do ours....
how are the fumes?

Anonymous said...

you have guys chasing each other around your home?!

Anonymous said...

you have guys chasing each other around your home?!

tomitron said...

get your mind out of the gutter